Fairy Tales

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There follows a list of fairy tales, understood as tales with fairies in them. Note that we have classed apart sightings of fairies, which deal with people seeing, hearing, smelling (really) and experiencing fairies, or fairy beliefs in day to day life.

A Boy Taken to Fairy Land (Wales)

A British Poem on Gremlins

A Drunk Mermaid? (Co. Clare)

A Fairy and a Butcher and a Woman in Stowmarket (Suffolk)

A Fairy and A Ploughman at Onehouse (Suffolk)

And Now Farewell, The Fairy Dream Is Over! (Poem)

Arthur Hears The Fairies

Banshee Comb (Co. Laois)!

Billy Meets Jenny Greenteeth

Bogie and the Farmer: A Northamptonshire Story

Borrowing Pots (Hebrides)

Brinkburn Fairies and the Bells

Brother Mike: A Suffolk Tale (Dialect)

Child and Stock (Highlands)

Church Moving on the Isle of Wight

Clever Tom and the Leprechaun

Deer Milk (Hebrides)

Dirty Water and Fairies (Ulster)

Don’t Curse Fairies (Co. Antrim)

Don’t Leave Your Baby in the Field! (Hebrides)

Don’t Steal Fairy Flowers! (Powys)

Fairies and Gossamer (Gwynedd)

Fairies and Money (Herefordshire)

Fairies Leave Ulster (Co. Derry)

Fairies, Clothes And A Trick (Kerry)

Fairies’ Jokes: Long Nose (Gwynedd)

Fairy Fence Pulling (Co Derry)

Fairy Gifts in Northamptonshire

Fairy House and Human Door (Gwynedd)

Fairy Rewards in Ulster

Fairy Spinning and Dirty Water (Hebrides)

Fairy Threshers in the Highlands

Fairy Vampires (Hebrides)

Fairy Water

Farmer Surprises Fairies In His Barn (Hampshire)

Flying to the Mainland from Rathlin (Co. Antrim)

Fostered Out (Northumbria)

Four Leaf Clover and the Pail

Frank Martin and the Fairies

From Grasses Bright and Bracken Light (Poem)

Gift of Dog (Hebrides)

Hanafin’s Cow (Kerry)

Highland Fairy Birth

Hunchback and the Fairies (Ulster)

Irish Fairies Fight Scottish Fairies

Jeanie the Bogle and the Farmer’s Horse

John Chalmers and the Fairy Threshers

John Clare on Fairies and Witches (Poem)

Johnnie and the Fairy Funeral (Co. Antrim)

Kidnapped Fiddler (Co. Antrim)

Laura Silver Bell

Long, Long Have I Wandered (Song)

Masell (Morayshire)

Mending the Kirn-Staff (Northumbria)

Mermaid Marriage Proposal (Cartoon)

Midwife in Northumberland

Milton on Fairies (L’Allegro)

Morag’s Farey Glen (Song)

Morgan ap Rhys and the Fairies’ Harp

Northamptonshire Bogie and the Red Sea

Northumbrian Changeling and the Chimney

Pabbay Kidnapping (Hebrides)

Paul Church Town (Song, Cornwall)

Pisky Kidnapper

Pisky Ointment

Pixy’s New Clothes

Plant Rhys Ddwfn, A Fairy Tribe and Invisibility Herbs (Dyfed)

Protecting Willie’s Wife

Riding a Bull (Ulster)

Riding a Fairy Galloway

Riding A Man (Co. Derry)

Sabbath Fairy

Shoe My Horse! (Co. Antrim)

Shon ap Shenkin and the Fairy Music

Soccer with the Fairies in Northamptonshire

Tailor Meets a Demon/Fairy (Cardiganshire)

Tat O’ Swinden: A Boggart Tale of To-day (Poem), 1889

Teig O’ Kane and the Corpse

The Bannock and the Changeling (Hebrides)

The Bogie and Stowe Church

The Brownie of Blednoch (Poem)

The Capture of Bridget Purcell (Co. Limerick)

The Cluricaune and His Shoe

The Comb of the Bean-Tighe (Lough Gur, Co. Limerick)

The Fairies and the Miller (Gwynedd)

The Fairies of Llyn Colwyd

The Fairies’ Inn (Gwynedd)

The Fairy Baby in the Hay

The Fairy Password and Underground Wales

The Fairy Shoe (Co Down)

The Flit (Boggart Hole Clough)

The Hart Hall Hob

The Hedley Kow

The Last Each Uisge on Lewis (Hebrides)

The Leprechaun in the Garden

The Meal Chest of Plenty

The Piper Taught By the Fairies (Hebrides)

The Saga of Fergus Mac Leti

The Three Cows

The Three Leprechauns

The Woman Stolen by Fairies (Ulster)

The Zennor Mermaid (Song, Cornwall)

Thee, Lady, Would I Lead (Poem)

Ulster Brownie

Warrenpoint on Fire! (Co. Louth)

Weaving Fairies and Ned Judge (co. Antrim)

Yallery Brown

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