Seeing Geroid (Co. Limerick)

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white horse

Editor’s Note: Count John de Salis gave these legends and they were written out by Evans-Wentz with the help of Rev J.F. Lynch. the reference is to an Irish count who was transported with his castle into the fairy realm beneath Lake Gur. Some of these references recall short stories by Le Fanu and Kennedy.

Geroid lives there in the under-lake world to this day, awaiting the time of his normal return to the world of men […] But once in every seven years, on clear moonlight nights, he emerges temporarily, when the Lough Gur peasantry see him as a phantom mounted on a phantom white horse, leading a phantom or fairy cavalcade across the lake and land. A well-attested case of such an apparitional appearance of the earl has been recorded by Miss Anne Baily, the percipient having been Teigue O’Neill, an old blacksmith whom she knew (see All the Year Round, New Series, iii. 495-6, London, 1870). And Moll Riall, a young woman also known to Miss Baily, saw the phantom earl by himself, under very weird circumstances, by day, as she stood at the margin of the lake washing clothes (ib., p. 496). Evans-Wentz 79-80

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