Hop Ground Fairies (Stowmarket, Suffolk)

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hop ground fairiesStowmarket 1842. — S____ living for 30 years at the cottages in the hop-ground on the Bury road, coming home one night 20 years since, in the meadow now a hop ground, not far from three ashen trees, in very bright moonlight, saw the fairies. There might be a dozen of them, the biggest about three feet high, and small ones like dolls. Their dresses sparkled as if with spangles, like the girls at shows at Stow fair. They were moving round hand in hand in a ring, no noise came from them. They seemed light and shadowy, not like solid bodies. I passed on saying, the Lord have mercy on me, but them must be the fairies, and being alone then on the path over the field could see them as plain as I do you. I looked after them when I got over the style, and they were there, just the same moving round and round. I ran home and called three women to come hack with me and see them. But when we got to the place they were all gone. I could not make out any particular things ahout their faces. I might he forty yards from, them and I did not like to stop and stare at them. I was quite sober at the time. Hollingworth’s “Hist, of Stowmarket,” p. 248. 

Hollingworth Hist of Stowmarket (1844) 248 [Guderon 36-37]

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