Castle Hill, Bishopton

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bishopton castle

Ritson wrote in 1831 ‘The fairies frequented many parts of the bishopric of Durham. There is a hillock, or tumulus, near Bishopton, and a large hill near Billingham both which used, in former time, to be haunted by fairies.’ The hill near Bishopston was apparently Castle Hill. Note that an online source records a remarkable eighteenth-century source. If it could be verified it would be important for fairy studies. Bishopton claims an official record of fairies. ‘The Parish Register for 1752-83 speaks of the fairies thus: ‘John Wright remembers having seen fairies. They were small and draped in green. They once brought his mother a pound of butter which they kept with them for a long time and later took with them to Cumberland.’ The fairies were thought to inhabit the fortifications.’

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