Cutting A Fairy Thorn (Kerry)

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fairy thorn

…I felt sufficiently encouraged to suggest the removal of a thorn tree which seriously impeded the view from the house, but to which I had long been resigned, as one resigns one-self to fate and all the immovable circumstances of life. Again however there was no remonstrance, and as the tree fell with a crash on the mossy bank, if any fear of horrible consequences was felt by those present it was felt by me alone, the men who had done the unholy deed resuming their pipes, shouldering their saws and hatchets, and strolling back to their ordinary work. Personally, to this day I never pass the spot where the tree once stood without an almost imperceptible shudder of apprehension, for after all, the thorn is a fairy tree… Edith Gordon ‘Some Kerry Fairies’ Kerry Archaeological Magazine 6 (1911), 347-356


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